Sunday 6 April 2014

Overheard conversation

I overheard two men talking on the train on the 23 of March while I was traveling from Central to Warnervale. One of the men was a train driver and was telling the other that not long ago some guy had jumped out out in-front of the train he was driving and it was too close for him to stop. About half an hour later the body was removed from the tracks and his boss told him that he was expected to continue the train journey. He protested, his hands were still shaking, but his boss was adamant. 

Davenport writes that using social informatics as an approach to studying ICTs in the workplace, we can see how "technology is humanized, in contrast to how humans may be systematized" (Davenport 2005, p. 17). It now seems that the efficiency of technology is being valued over human emotion and people are expected to be as emotionless even after a traumatic event. Here we see a lack of consideration that has grown from expectations set by technologies standard.     

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