Sunday 6 April 2014

8 Out of 10 Cats Clip

Found online:
TrolllTPiz 2013, 8 Out of 10 Cats S15E05 (HD), video recording, YouTube, viewed 4 April 2014, <>.


This clip points out the pervasiveness of technology, we now carry phones with us at all times and they have affected both our social interactions and our view of information. It is only once these changes are pointed out to us that we realise how strange our actions are, and in this case pointless. Social informatics looks at how technology has affected how we relate to one another, and here we see how the ability to quickly verify facts while incredibly helpful, is shortening our conversations (Kling 1999). As Jon Richardson points out, technology has also transformed how we use and view our personal information. Where we used to write letters, we now use email and text, and while these are more durable, this does not make them more meaningful. As Lally points out, these do not feel as personal possibly because less time was spent on them or because we cannot hold a physical copy (Lally 2005). Letters are kept at home in safe places, while texts and emails can be cared everywhere, viewed when bored. Personal communications are no longer as cherished or protected as they once were.

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