Sunday 6 April 2014

Nerd girl meme

quickmeme n.d., Idiot Nerd Girl, viewed online 25 March 2014, <>.

One of the affects of the Internet is the rise of anonymity which can be both a blessing and a curse. In this meme we see how anonymity allows people to write about anything, even on topics they know nothing about. The problem with this is that it circulates a lot of false information, making it tricky to know what is to be believed and what is not. Another affect of ICTs that is exposed in the meme is the exposure of inappropriate material to those of a young age. ICTs allow unlimited access to online information with little to no restriction. Exposure to online pornography can be detrimental to pre-teens, giving them a distorted view of sex and body image (Marigolies 1995-2014).  

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